Refunds / Returns

Physical Items

Any physical product (not including printed items) can be returned up to 14 days after the product has begun shipment. Please note: it can take up to 25 days for an item to reach us once you return it. Once the item is received, it takes 2 business days for the refund to be processed and 3-5 business days for the refund amount to show up in your account.

Printed Items

No refunds, returns, or exchanges are provided for any printed items. Printed Items include; clothing, hats, stickers, phone cases, etc.

Digital Items

No refunds are provided for any of our digital items. Once you have access your digital download, you no longer have the right to request a refund. Digital Items include; template files, gambling scripts, graphics, etc. Please note that digital items may take up to 24 hours to be delivered.

Virtual Items

We provide refunds on specific virtual items. If the virtual item(s) you purchased are untouched and clearly not utilized you have 2 days to request a refund. After the refund has begun processing, your virtual item(s) will be revoked. Virtual Items include; crate keys, ranks, virtual goods, etc.

View our full Refund/Return Policy on our Legal Center.

Last updated